Definition 2025





deixar (first-person singular present deixo, past participle deixat)

  1. to leave, depart
  2. to leave (in a place)
  3. to abandon, forsake
  4. to let, allow, permit
  5. to lend


Derived terms



From Old Portuguese leixar, from Latin laxāre, present active infinitive of laxō. Compare Spanish dejar.


deixar (first-person singular present deixo, first-person singular preterite deixei, past participle deixado)

  1. (transitive) to leave
  2. to abandon
  3. to lend
  4. to save (store for future use)
  5. to let, allow
  6. (reflexive) to let oneself go




Alternative forms


From Old Portuguese leixar, from Latin laxāre (to extend; to lighten; to relax)

Related to Spanish dejar.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /de(j).ˈʃa(ʁ)/


deixar (first-person singular present indicative deixo, past participle deixado)

  1. (transitive) to leave; to exit (to go out of or away from a place)
    Os ladrões deixaram o prédio assim que ouviram a sirene.
    The thieves left the building as soon as they heard the siren.
  2. (transitive) to leave (to refrain from taking)
    Deixei uma bolachas para a minha irmã.
    I left some biscuits for my sister.
  3. (transitive) to leave (to cause to exist after its occurrence)
    A guerra deixara um rastro de destruição.
    The war had left a wake of destruction.
  4. (transitive with an adjective complement) to leave (to cause to be in a state)
    Deixa a porta aberta quando saíres!
    Leave the door open when you go!
  5. (transitive) to leave (to end one’s connection, affiliation or relationship with)
    Após vinte anos de casamento, minha esposa me deixou.
    After twenty years of marriage, my wife left me.
    Deixei o meu emprego.
    I left my job.
  6. (auxiliary with de and a verb in the impersonal infinitive) to quit (to stop doing something habitually)
    Deixem de fumar.
    Stop smoking.
  7. (auxiliary with de and a verb in the impersonal infinitive) not to do something; to refrain from
    Não deixe de comprar comida para a viagem.
    Don’t [forget to] buy food for the trip.
  8. (ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object) to let; to allow to (to give permission to)
    Minha mãe não deixa eu ficar acordado até tarde.
    My mother doesn’t let me stay awake until late.
  9. (ditransitive, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal or personal (proscribed) infinitive for the second object) to let (to give possibility to)
    A neblina não nos deixava ver muito longe.
    The fog didn’t let us see very far.
  10. (ditransitive, with the indirect object taking para) to postpone until; to put off (to reschedule or avoid doing something until a later time)
    Tiveram que deixar a partida para amanhã.
    They had to put the match off until tomorrow.
  11. (transitive) to leave; to bequeath (to give something to someone after dying or leaving)
    Um parente que eu nem conhecia me deixou uns quadros valiosos.
    A relative I didn’t even know left me some valuable paintings.
  12. (transitive) to leave off; to omit (not to include)
    Comprei um presente para quase todo mundo, só deixei você.
    I bought a gift for everybody, I have only left you out.
  13. (transitive) to leave alone (not to bother)
    Me deixa, idiota.
    Leave me alone, you idiot.



For usage examples of this term, see Citations:deixar.


Derived terms

Related terms