Definition 2025



See also: indet and indet.



indēt tr., 2nd conj., pres. indēju, indē, indē, past indēju

  1. (imperfective) to poison, to try to kill with poison
    indēt peles, žurkas, mušas ― to poison mice, rats, flies
    sekretāru vairākas reizes mēģināja nonāvēt: uz viņu šāva, viņu indēja ar arsēnu... ― they tried several times to kill the secretary: they shot at him, poisoned him with arsenic...
  2. (imperfective) to poison (to disturb, to weaken the functioning of the organism with poisonous substances)
    smēķētāju gadiem indējis nikotīns ― nicotine has poisoned the smoker for years
    indēt sevi ar akoholu ― to poison oneself with alcohol
  3. (figuratively) to poison (to have bad effects or influence on people)
    taču pats skolas gars - literatūra, dabas zinātnes, vēstures izpratne - darīja savu, indēja mūs ar šovinismu, rasismu ― but the very school spirit (teaching) - literature, natural sciences, historical studies - had its effect, (it) poisoned us with chauvinism, racism


Derived terms

  • atindēt
  • indēties
  • noindēt, noindēties
  • saindēt, saindēties

Related terms