Definition 2025





dürfen (irregular, third-person singular simple present darf, past tense durfte, past participle gedurft, auxiliary haben)

  1. (auxiliary, infinitive replaces past participle) To be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may.
    Darf ich gehen? — “May I go?”
    Ich habe gehen dürfen. — “I was allowed to go.”
  2. (intransitive or transitive, past participle as above) To be allowed or permitted to do something implied or previously stated; may.
    Ja, du darfst. — “Yes, you may.”
    Ich habe es gedurft. — “I was allowed [to do] it.”
  3. (subjunctive present, modal auxiliary verb) Expresses that something is estimated or probable.
    • 1934, Walther Kabel (as Max Schraut), Der Bluffer, Verlag moderner Lektüre, page 54:
      Die Wohnungen dürften ein wenig hellhörig sein.
      The walls of the apartments are probably a bit thin.


See also