Definition 2025





अङ्क (aṅká) m

  1. hook
    • RV 1.162.13d
      यन नीक्षणं मांस्पचन्या उखाया या पात्राणि यूष्णासेचनानि |
      ऊष्मण्यापिधाना चरूणामङकाः सूनाःपरि भूषन्त्यश्वम ||
      yan nīkṣaṇaṃ māṃspacanyā ukhāyā yā pātrāṇi yūṣṇaāsecanāni |
      ūṣmaṇyāpidhānā carūṇāmaṅkāḥ sūnāḥpari bhūṣantyaśvam ||
      The trial-fork of the flesh-cooking caldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled,
      The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,—all these attend the Charger.
  2. (in the dual) part of a chariot
  3. curve
  4. the curve in the human, especially the female, figure above the hip (where infants sitting, astride are carried by mothers hence often = 'breast' or 'lap')
  5. side, flank
  6. body
  7. proximity, place
  8. the bend in the arm
  9. any hook or crooked instrument
  10. curved line
  11. a numerical figure, cipher, a figure or mark branded on an animal etc.
  12. any mark, line, stroke, ornament, stigma
  13. a number
  14. the numbers one and nine
  15. coefficient
  16. act of a drama
  17. drama
  18. military show, sham-fight
  19. misdeed, sin


Masculine a-stem declension of अङ्क
Nom. sg. अङ्कः (aṅkaḥ)
Gen. sg. अङ्कस्य (aṅkasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative अङ्कः (aṅkaḥ) अङ्कौ (aṅkau) अङ्काः (aṅkāḥ)
Vocative अङ्क (aṅka) अङ्कौ (aṅkau) अङ्काः (aṅkāḥ)
Accusative अङ्कम् (aṅkam) अङ्कौ (aṅkau) अङ्कान् (aṅkān)
Instrumental अङ्केन (aṅkena) अङ्काभ्याम् (aṅkābhyām) अङ्कैः (aṅkaiḥ)
Dative अङ्काय (aṅkāya) अङ्काभ्याम् (aṅkābhyām) अङ्केभ्यः (aṅkebhyaḥ)
Ablative अङ्कात् (aṅkāt) अङ्काभ्याम् (aṅkābhyām) अङ्केभ्यः (aṅkebhyaḥ)
Genitive अङ्कस्य (aṅkasya) अङ्कयोः (aṅkayoḥ) अङ्कानाम् (aṅkānām)
Locative अङ्के (aṅke) अङ्कयोः (aṅkayoḥ) अङ्केषु (aṅkeṣu)


  • Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0007