Definition 2024






  1. he/she is going (with another person, as part of a pair)

Usage notes

The stem used for going in pairs is different from the stem used for going individually or in groups. For movement as individuals, see yighááh; for movement in groups of three or more, see yikááh. Singular forms with this verb, such as yishʼaash, are still possible, as they refer to a single person's involvement in pairwise movement.


IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishʼaash yiitʼaash
2nd person niʼaash wohʼaash
3rd person yiʼaash
4th person jiʼaash
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yíʼáázh yiitʼáázh
2nd person yíníʼáázh wooʼáázh
3rd person yíʼáázh
4th person jííʼáázh
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person deeshʼash diitʼash
2nd person dííʼash doohʼash
3rd person dooʼash
4th person jidooʼash

Related terms

  • IMPERFECTIVE: -ʼaash
  • PERFECTIVE: -ʼáázh
  • FUTURE: -ʼash
  • ITERATIVE: -tʼash
  • OPTATIVE: -ʼaash

See also