Definition 2024





tummal (plural tummals)

  1. (Britain, Cornwall, dialect, obsolete) A great quantity or heap.
    • 1846, Jan Treenoodle, Specimens of Cornish provincial dialect (page 27)
      Sich powerful tummals of beastes was there, / One cud gist e'ne scrouge room for to stond in the fere.
    • 1863, John Tillotson, The boy's yearly book (page 73)
      "It's pure gowld," said Betty, " and wuth tummals of money."
    • 1878, Frances Eliza Millett Notley, Love's crosses
      [] it's a good thing for she to get a husbind that can give her a goulden coach to ride in, if she's got a mind to it. But there, her pretty face is wuth a tummal of money []