Definition 2025





sitams (def. sitamais; adv. sitami)

  1. which can or should be hit, struck, beaten; indefinite present passive participle of sist 
  2. (usually definite forms; of objects) used for hitting; with which one hits
    sitamais riņķis ― brass knuckles (lit. hitting ring)
    mušu sitamais ― fly swatter (lit. hitter)
    paņem kādu sitamo ― I took something to hit with
    nācējs rokā turēja kaut ko baltu un apaļu... “vai tas tikai nav kāds sitamais?” es nodomāju ― the one who returned was holding something white and round (in his hands)... “is this somethng for hitting?” I thought
  3. (usually definite forms, music) percussion, used as a percussion (instrument)
    sitamie instrumenti ― percussion (lit. hitting) instruments
    afrikāņu mūzika nav iedomājama bez sitamiem instrumentiem, īpaši tamtamiem ― African music is unimaginable without percussion (lit. hitting) instruments, especially the tamtams
    neliela mūziķu grupa (klavieres, ģitāra, sitamie) ― a small music band (keyboards, guitar, drums [lit. hitting (instruments)])
