Definition 2025
See also: reddò
- (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈred.doː/
reddō (present infinitive reddere, perfect active reddidī, supine redditum); third conjugation
- I give back, return, restore.
- I give up, hand over, deliver, render, provide, assign
- I surrender, resign.
- I give or pay back; take revenge for, punish, inflict vengeance for.
- I repeat, declare, report, narrate, recite, rehearse.
- I represent, imitate, express, resemble.
- I return in profit.
- Martial 2.38:
- Quid mihi reddat ager quaeris, Line, Nōmentānus?
- Hoc mihi reddit ager: tē, Line, nōn videō! :
- “You ask, Linus, what profit the field in Nomentum might return to me?
- This, Linus, [is what] the field gives back to me: not having to see you!”
- Vestis virum reddit. — “The clothes profit the man.”
- Martial 2.38:
Derived terms
Related terms
- reddo in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- reddo in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- Félix Gaffiot (1934), “reddo”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
- Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- to die a natural death: debitum naturae reddere (Nep. Reg. 1)
- to (richly) recompense a kindness or service: beneficium remunerari or reddere (cumulate)
- to return good for evil: pro maleficiis beneficia reddere
- to speak, utter a sound: vocem mittere (sonitum reddere of things)
- to render something into Latin: aliquid (graeca) latine reddere or sermone latino interpretari
- to translate literally, word for word (not verbo tenus): verbum pro verbo reddere
- to deliver a letter to some one (used of the messenger): epistulam reddere alicui (Att. 5. 21. 4)
- to deliver a letter dated September 21st: litteras reddere datas a. d. Kal. X. Octob.
- to make a person suspected: aliquem in suspicionem adducere (alicui), aliquem suspectum reddere
- to accomplish, pay a vow: vota solvere, persolvere, reddere
- to render count of a matter; to pass it for audit: rationem alicuius rei reddere
- to administer justice (said of the praetor): ius reddere (Liv. 3. 33)
- to gain a weak case by clever pleading: causam inferiorem dicendo reddere superiorem (λόγον κρείττω ποιειν) (Brut. 8. 30)
- to make restitution: res reddere (alicui) (cf. sect. V. 11)
- to restore prisoners without ransom: captivos sine pretio reddere
- to die a natural death: debitum naturae reddere (Nep. Reg. 1)