Definition 2024


red cedar

See also: redcedar


Eastern Juniper Sandy Hook Old Dune Trail in winter (Juniperus virginiana)
Walbran Castle Giant (Thuja plicata)

Alternative forms


red cedar (plural red cedars)

  1. A juniper native to North America and highly prized for its fragrant wood, Juniperus virginiana.
    • 1855, Walt Whitman, "Our Old Feuillage" in Leaves of Grass, Modern Library, 1921, p. 147,
      Below, the red cedar festoon'd with tylandria, the pines and cypresses growing out of the white sand that spreads far and flat, []
  2. The arbor vitae, found in North America, Thuja plicata.
    • 1941, Emily Carr, Klee Wyck, Chapter 11,
      She was a West Coast canoe—dug out of a great red cedar tree.
  3. An evergreen tree of the mahogany family with reddish wood, found in Australia, Toona australis.
  4. The wood of any of these trees.
