Definition 2025
prast tr. or intr., 1st conj., pres. protu, proti, prot, past pratu
- (often with an infinitive) to know how to, to be able to do (a certain activity, task, etc.)
- prast šūt, zīmēt, lasīt ― to know how to sew, draw, read
- Oto labi prata visus zvejas darbus ― Oto knew well all the work of fishing
- to know, to speak, to be fluent in (a language)
- Puškins prata vairākas valodas ― Pushkin knew several languages
- viņš labi prata angļu valodu un bez kādām grūtībām varēja lasīt katru grāmatu vai laikrakstu ― he knew English well and could read all books and magazines without any difficulty
- (intransitively) to know, to be able
- “dzīvojam, kā kurais prot,” vecais jūrnieks norūca ― “we live as each (of us) can”, the old sailor growled
- tu esi man laba bijusi, es gribu tev laba būt, kā jau nu es, muļķe, protu ― you have been good to me, I want to be good to you, as (much) as I, poor fool, am able
conjugation of prast
INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme) | IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) |
Present (tagadne) |
Past (pagātne) |
Future (nākotne) |
1st pers. sg. | es | protu | pratu | pratīšu | — |
2nd pers. sg. | tu | proti | prati | pratīsi | proti |
3rd pers. sg. | viņš, viņa | prot | prata | pratīs | lai prot |
1st pers. pl. | mēs | protam | pratām | pratīsim | pratīsim |
2nd pers. pl. | jūs | protat | pratāt | pratīsiet, pratīsit |
protiet |
3rd pers. pl. | viņi, viņas | prot | prata | pratīs | lai prot |
CONJUNCTIVE (atstāstījuma izteiksme) | PARTICIPLES (divdabji) | ||||
Present | protot | Present Active 1 (Adj.) | protošs | ||
Past | esot pratis | Present Active 2 (Adv.) | prazdams | ||
Future | pratīšot | Present Active 3 (Adv.) | protot | ||
Imperative | lai protot | Present Active 4 (Obj.) | protam | ||
CONDITIONAL (vēlējuma izteiksme) | Past Active | pratis | |||
Present | prastu | Present Passive | protams | ||
Past | būtu pratis | Past Passive | prasts | ||
DEBITIVE (vajadzības izteiksme) | NOMINAL FORMS | ||||
Indicative | (būt) jāprot | Infinitive (nenoteiksme) | prast | ||
Conjunctive 1 | esot jāprot | Negative Infinitive | neprast | ||
Conjunctive 2 | jāprotot | Verbal noun | prašana |
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
- prasties
Related terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “prast”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7