Definition 2025



See also: präst and praṣt



prast tr. or intr., 1st conj., pres. protu, proti, prot, past pratu

  1. (often with an infinitive) to know how to, to be able to do (a certain activity, task, etc.)
    prast šūt, zīmēt, lasīt ― to know how to sew, draw, read
    Oto labi prata visus zvejas darbus ― Oto knew well all the work of fishing
  2. to know, to speak, to be fluent in (a language)
    Puškins prata vairākas valodas ― Pushkin knew several languages
    viņš labi prata angļu valodu un bez kādām grūtībām varēja lasīt katru grāmatu vai laikrakstu ― he knew English well and could read all books and magazines without any difficulty
  3. (intransitively) to know, to be able
    “dzīvojam, kā kurais prot,” vecais jūrnieks norūca ― “we live as each (of us) can”, the old sailor growled
    tu esi man laba bijusi, es gribu tev laba būt, kā jau nu es, muļķe, protu ― you have been good to me, I want to be good to you, as (much) as I, poor fool, am able



Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • izprast
  • noprast
  • pārprast
  • pieprast
other derived terms:
  • prasties

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), prast”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7