Webster 1913 Edition
, porpentine
, OF. porc-espi
, F. porc-épic
(cf. It. porco spino
, porco spinoso
, Sp. puerco espino
, puerco espin
, fr. L. porcus
swine + spina
thorn, spine). The last part of the French word is perhaps a corruption from the It. or Sp.; cf. F. épi
ear, a spike of grain, L. spica
. See Pork
, Spike
a large nail, Spine
.] 1.
Any Old Word rodent of the genus
, having the back covered with long, sharp, erectile spines or quills, sometimes a foot long. The common species of Europe and Asia (Hystrix cristata
) is the best known. 2.
Any species of
and related genera, native of America. They are related to the true porcupines, but have shorter spines, and are arboreal in their habits. The Canada porcupine (Erethizon dorsatus
) is a well known species. Porcupine ant-eater
, the echidna.
– Porcupine crab
, a large spiny Japanese crab (
– Acantholithodes hystrix
). Porcupine disease
. See
– Ichthyosis
. Porcupine fish
, any plectognath fish having the body covered with spines which become erect when the body is inflated. See
– Diodon
, and Globefish
. Porcupine grass
, a grass (
– Stipa spartea
) with grains bearing a stout twisted awn, which, by coiling and uncoiling through changes in moisture, propels the sharp-pointed and barbellate grain into the wool and flesh of sheep. It is found from Illinois westward. See Illustration in Appendix. Porcupine wood
, the hard outer wood of the cocoa palm; – so called because, when cut horizontally, the markings of the wood resemble the quills of a porcupine.
Webster 1828 Edition
In zoology, a quadruped of the genus Hystrix. The crested porcupine has a body about two feet in length, four toes on each of the fore feet, and five on each of the hind feet, a crested head, a short tail, and the upper lip divided like that of the hare. The body is covered with prickles which are very sharp, and some of them nine or ten inches long; these he can erect at pleasure. When attacked, he rolls his body into a round form, in which position the prickles are presented in every direction to the enemy. This species is a native of Africa and Asia.
Definition 2025
Hystrix indica, an Old World porcupine

Erethizon dorsatum, a New World porcupine
porcupine (plural porcupines)
- Any of several rodents of either of the taxonomic families Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) or Erethizontidae (New World porcupines), noted for their sharp spines or quills, which are raised when the animal is attacked or surprised.
- 1981, Adolph Murie, The Grizzlies of Mount McKinley, page 218,
- I have no evidence of grizzlies killing porcupines or vice versa. However, occasionally there is contact and sometimes a grizzly is injured or a porcupine killed, but the latter is rare.
- 2010, Richard Potts, Early Hominid Activities at Olduvai, page 81,
- In particular, porcupines, hyenas, and leopards are known in Africa to transport bones to particular places.
- 2011, John P. Rafferty, Rats, Bats, and Xenarthrans, page 113,
- Old World porcupines (Hystricidae) have quills embedded in clusters, whereas in New World porcupines (Erethizontidae) single quills are interspersed with bristles, underfur, and hair. No porcupine can throw its quills, but they detach easily and will remain embedded in an attacker.
- 1981, Adolph Murie, The Grizzlies of Mount McKinley, page 218,
Derived terms
Derived terms
Related terms
Related terms
large rodent