physical education (uncountable) (Abbreviated as: PE, phys ed or PhysEd)
- An element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, strength, physical co-ordination, and agility.
- The physical education instructor also served as the coach of the track team.
curriculum component
- Lithuanian: kūno kultūra f, (more common in casual conversations) fizinis m
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: kroppsøving m, f
- Nynorsk: kroppsøving f
- Polish: wychowanie fizyczne (pl) n, w-f m
- Portuguese: educação física f
- Romanian: educație fizică (ro) f
- Russian: физвоспита́ние (ru) n (fizvospitánije) (short for: физи́ческое воспита́ние n (fizíčeskoje vospitánije)) (generic), физкульту́ра (ru) f (fizkulʹtúra) (short for: физи́ческая культу́ра (ru) f (fizíčeskaja kulʹtúra)) (subject at school)
- Serbo-Croatian: tjȅlesnī òdgoj m
- Spanish: educación física
- Swedish: idrott (sv) c, gymnastik (sv) c, gympa (sv) c (colloquial), idrott & hälsa (current name)
- Turkish: beden eğitimi (tr)
- Ukrainian:
- Vietnamese: thể dục (vi) (體育)
See also