Definition 2025




Armijas pavēlnieki


pavēlnieks m (1st declension, feminine form: pavēlniece)

  1. (male) master (a man who has power over other(s))
    viņš ir tur kungs un pavēlnieks ― he is in that place lord and master
    viņš jautā tādā tonī, it kā būtu pilnīgs pavēlnieks par manu likteni un dzīvību ― he asks (questions) in such a tone as if he were the complete master of my destiny and life
    pats esi kungs un pavēlnieks savās mājās, neviens tev nesēž uz kakla ― you yourself are lord and master in your own house, nobody sits on your neck
  2. (military) (male) commander (man who leads a military unit, a military installation, or even one of the armed forces)
    armijas pavēlnieks ― army commander
    flotes pavēlnieks ― fleet commander
    rudenī viņš kļuva par Dienvidurālu kara apgabala pavēlnieku ― in the fall he became the commander of the Southern Ural Military District


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