Definition 2025
ning2 (form of níng with tone number)
- Pinyin transcription of 儜
- Pinyin transcription of 冰
- Pinyin transcription of 凝
- Pinyin transcription of 咛, 嚀
- Pinyin transcription of 孻
- Pinyin transcription of 宁
- Pinyin transcription of 寍 used as a term of comparison:-rather; it is better; would that
- Pinyin transcription of 寎
- Pinyin transcription of 寕
- Pinyin transcription of 寗
- Pinyin transcription of 寜
- Pinyin transcription of 寡
- Pinyin transcription of 寧
- Pinyin transcription of 拧, 擰
- Pinyin transcription of 柠, 檸
- Pinyin transcription of 濖
- Pinyin transcription of 狞, 獰
- Pinyin transcription of 甯
- Pinyin transcription of 疑
- Pinyin transcription of 聍, 聹
- Pinyin transcription of 寧
- Pinyin transcription of 鑏
- Pinyin transcription of 鬡
- Pinyin transcription of 鸋