neutron bomb (plural neutron bombs)
- An atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons, and a lesser amount of blast; the intention being to destroy life but not infrastructure.
atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons
- Arabic: قُنْبُلَة نْيُوتْرُونِيَّة f (qunbula nyūtrūniyya)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 中子彈 (zh), 中子弹 (zh) (zhōngzǐdàn)
- Dutch: neutronenbom f
- Finnish: neutronipommi (fi)
- French: bombe à neutrons (fr) f
- German: Neutronenbombe (de) f
- Hebrew: פצצת נייטרון
- Icelandic: nifteindasprengja f
- Japanese: 中性子爆弾 (ちゅうせいしばくだん, chūseishi bakudan)
- Khmer: គ្រាប់បែកអព្យាកតាណូ (kruab baek ak pyeak ta no)
- Korean: 중성자 폭탄 (jungseongja pogtan) (中性子爆彈)
- Macedonian: неутронска бомба f (neutrónska bómba)
- Portuguese: bomba de neutrões f (Portugal), bomba de nêutrons f (Brazil), bomba de nêutron f (Brazil)
- Russian: нейтро́нная бо́мба f (nejtrónnaja bómba)
- Spanish: bomba de neutrones f
- Swedish: neutronbomb c
- Thai: ระเบิดนิวตรอน
- Turkish: nötron bombası (tr)