Definition 2025





nerdboy (plural nerdboys)

  1. (slang, sometimes pejorative) A nerdy or socially-inept boy or man.
    • 2007, Burto Deluchi, The Rebuy, ISBN 9781430320562, page 14:
      Nervy nerdboys gone rich who buy expensive sports cars to race them into rear bumpers instead of finally learning how to drive.
    • 2010, Diane Duane, A Wizard of Mars, Harcourt (2010), ISBN 9780152047702, page 52:
      “You behave,” she said, “or I'm going to let your mama and pop know just what they're trying to turn loose on the poor unsuspecting nerdboys of CalTech.”
    • 2014, Amy Alkon, Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck, St. Martin's Griffin (2014), ISBN 9781250030719, unnumbered page:
      Some guys can be a bit flirtation-blind—especially the nerdboys I've always gone for.