Definition 2025




Alternative forms


neo-pantheism (plural neo-pantheisms)

  1. Any revived or reconceived variation of pantheism, the belief that the Universe is sacred and should be revered; any of a number of modern form of present day renditions of pantheism, as distinguished from earlier perspectives.
    • 1838 - Nicholas Patrick Wiseman, ed., The Dublin Review (1838) p. 353.
      The founders of Neo-Pantheism... have no wish for a moment to depreciate the world that has gone before them; and, therefore, not that portion of it which, though they know it not, still subsists in pristine strength, and will alone survive the coming catastrophe!
    • 1906, Alfred William Benn, The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century, Volume I, Longmans, Green, and Co. pages 243-244:
      But Aristotle's Absolute had personality without will; the Absolute of German neo-pantheism has, or rather is, will without personality; for originally it is without self-consciousness.
    • 1912, Mary Fisher, A Valiant Woman: A Contribution to the Educational Problem, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, page 242:
      Neither the God of the old Pantheism nor that of the neo-pantheism of Froebel is the all-seeing, all-loving Father to whom the weary and the suffering turn for rest and consolation.
    • 1917, Durant Drake, "The God of the Future is in the Making", Current Opinion, page 246:
      This neo-pantheism is wide-spread enough to induce one of our leading publishing houses to reprint Seeley's "Natural Religion," a treatise once famous but lately out of print.
    • 2002, Bruce Clarke and Linda Dalrymple Hendersonm, From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art and Literature, page 112:
      Science perhaps never slid as far into neo-pantheism and neo-nihilism as Kelvin feared, and many physicists (and others) retained their confidence in the ether well into the 1920s and 1930s.
    • 2004, Philip Clayton, Arthur Robert Peacocke - Religion , In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being, Page 131
      The "Trinitarian" World of Neo-Pantheism: On Panentheism and Epistemology


  • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:neo-pantheism.

Derived terms

See also