Definition 2025



See also: muñía


A white-rumped munia, Lonchura striata

Alternative forms


munia (plural munias)

  1. Any of certain estrildid finches of the genera Lonchura (most instances) and Amandava (two species).
    • 1895, Eugene William Oates, William Thomas Blanford, Birds, Volume 3, page 88,
      It is said, however, occasionally though rarely to eat insects, and Layard has related how an individual, kept in captivity, killed and swallowed small birds (Munias), its fellow-captives.
    • 2000, Tara Gandhi, Birds and Plant Regeneration, page 76,
      Munias are smaller than sparrows; they have pointed short tails, and live in flocks, building large communal nests shared by several breeding pairs.
    • 2010, Graham R. S. Ritchie, Simon Kirby, 20: A Possible Role for Selective Masking in the Evolution of Complex, Learned Communication Systems, Caroline Lyon, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Angelo Cangelosi (editors), Emergence of Communication and Language, page 398,
      Okanoya (2002) argues that the Bengalese finch has a much more 'complex' song than the munia. As mentioned earlier, his measure of complexity is the song linearity. He finds that the average song linearity of the munia is around 0.8 while the Bengalese finch song has a value of around 0.4.


Derived terms



  • IPA(key): [ˈmuni.ɑ]
  • Rhymes: -uniɑ
  • Hyphenation: mu‧ni‧a


From the noun muna (egg).



  1. Partitive plural form of muna.



  1. To lay an egg.
  2. (colloquial) To let somebody wait without any good reason, to loiter or to be sluggish (normally only in irritated questions).
    • Mitä te oikein munitte siellä?
Inflection of munia (Kotus type 61/sallia, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. munin en muni 1st sing. olen muninut en ole muninut
2nd sing. munit et muni 2nd sing. olet muninut et ole muninut
3rd sing. munii ei muni 3rd sing. on muninut ei ole muninut
1st plur. munimme emme muni 1st plur. olemme munineet emme ole munineet
2nd plur. munitte ette muni 2nd plur. olette munineet ette ole munineet
3rd plur. munivat eivät muni 3rd plur. ovat munineet eivät ole munineet
passive munitaan ei munita passive on munittu ei ole munittu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. munin en muninut 1st sing. olin muninut en ollut muninut
2nd sing. munit et muninut 2nd sing. olit muninut et ollut muninut
3rd sing. muni ei muninut 3rd sing. oli muninut ei ollut muninut
1st plur. munimme emme munineet 1st plur. olimme munineet emme olleet munineet
2nd plur. munitte ette munineet 2nd plur. olitte munineet ette olleet munineet
3rd plur. munivat eivät munineet 3rd plur. olivat munineet eivät olleet munineet
passive munittiin ei munittu passive oli munittu ei ollut munittu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. munisin en munisi 1st sing. olisin muninut en olisi muninut
2nd sing. munisit et munisi 2nd sing. olisit muninut et olisi muninut
3rd sing. munisi ei munisi 3rd sing. olisi muninut ei olisi muninut
1st plur. munisimme emme munisi 1st plur. olisimme munineet emme olisi munineet
2nd plur. munisitte ette munisi 2nd plur. olisitte munineet ette olisi munineet
3rd plur. munisivat eivät munisi 3rd plur. olisivat munineet eivät olisi munineet
passive munittaisiin ei munittaisi passive olisi munittu ei olisi munittu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. muni älä muni 2nd sing. ole muninut älä ole muninut
3rd sing. munikoon älköön muniko 3rd sing. olkoon muninut älköön olko muninut
1st plur. munikaamme älkäämme muniko 1st plur. olkaamme munineet älkäämme olko munineet
2nd plur. munikaa älkää muniko 2nd plur. olkaa munineet älkää olko munineet
3rd plur. munikoot älkööt muniko 3rd plur. olkoot munineet älkööt olko munineet
passive munittakoon älköön munittako passive olkoon munittu älköön olko munittu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. muninen en munine 1st sing. lienen muninut en liene muninut
2nd sing. muninet et munine 2nd sing. lienet muninut et liene muninut
3rd sing. muninee ei munine 3rd sing. lienee muninut ei liene muninut
1st plur. muninemme emme munine 1st plur. lienemme munineet emme liene munineet
2nd plur. muninette ette munine 2nd plur. lienette munineet ette liene munineet
3rd plur. muninevat eivät munine 3rd plur. lienevät munineet eivät liene munineet
passive munittaneen ei munittane passive lienee munittu ei liene munittu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st munia present muniva munittava
long 1st2 muniakseen past muninut munittu
2nd inessive1 muniessa munittaessa agent1, 3 munima
instructive munien negative munimaton
3rd inessive munimassa 1) Usually with a possessive suffix.

2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural.
3) Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the -ma suffix.

elative munimasta
illative munimaan
adessive munimalla
abessive munimatta
instructive muniman munittaman
4th nominative muniminen
partitive munimista
5th2 munimaisillaan




Like mūnus (service), it is derived from Proto-Indo-European *moy-nós, from *mey- (change, swap).



mūnia n pl (genitive mūniōrum); second declension

  1. (plural only) duties, functions


In Classical Latin, only the nominative and accusative are attested. Second declension.

Case Plural
nominative mūnia
genitive mūniōrum
dative mūniīs
accusative mūnia
ablative mūniīs
vocative mūnia
