Definition 2025




Alternative forms


madigmachen (third-person singular simple present macht madig, past tense machte madig, past participle madiggemacht, auxiliary haben)

  1. (somewhat informal) to put someone off something; to spoil something for someone
    Das Rauchverbot hat mir den Kneipenbesuch vollkommen madiggemacht.
    The smoking ban has completely put me off going to pubs.
    Mit deiner schlechten Laune machst du mir den ganzen Urlaub madig.
    You're spoiling my whole vacation with your bad mood.
  2. (somewhat informal) to try to talk someone out of something for selfish reasons
    Mein Freund macht mir immer den Sport madig, damit ich mit ihm ins Kino gehe.
    My boyfriend always tries to talk me out of training so that I go to the cinema with him.


  • (sense 2) madigreden