Definition 2025



See also: Gruts



grūts (def. grūtais, comp. grūtāks, sup. visgrūtākais; adv. grūti)

  1. tough, arduous, difficult (which needs great physical force, great physical strain to be carried out)
    grūts darbstough, hard work
    grūts ceļojumsarduous journey
    izcīnīt grūtu uzvaru ― to win a difficult victory
    aiz krūmiem darbs bija grūtāks ― behind the bushes the work was harder
  2. difficult, tough, hard, complicated (which needs great mental effort for its realization, solution, acquisition or disposition)
    grūts eksāmens ― a difficult exam
    grūts jautājums ― a tough question
    grūts aritmētikas uzdevums ― a difficult arithmetic problem
    grūts dzejolis ― a difficult poem
    grūta izvēle ― a difficult choice
    māte neatbildēja; zinātkārīgā puisēna jautājums varbūt viņai bija par grūtu ― the mother didn't answer; the curious boy's question was maybe too difficult for her
  3. difficult (which involves some unpleasant experience or unpleasant feelings for its realization)
    grūta saruna ― a difficult conversation
    grūta atzīšanās ― a difficult confession
    nezinu, tas laikam ir pats grūtākais: būt vienaldzīgam, izlikties, ka visu jau zini arī tad, kad tavā priekšā atklājas pilnīgi jauna pasaule ― I don't know, maybe this is the most difficult: to be indifferent, to pretend that you know everything already, when right in front of you a whole new world opens up
  4. difficult, hard, tough (involving hard work, complicated or embarrassing circumstances, hardships, conflicts, etc.)
    grūti mājas apstākļidifficult home circumstances
    grūta nedēļadifficult week
    pārdzīvot grūtus gadus ― to survive difficult years
    mēs zinām, ka šis ir grūts laiks, ļoti grūts laiks gan karavīriem frontē, gan jums ― we know that these are difficult times, very difficult times, both for the soldiers at the front and for you
  5. difficult, hard, tough, heavy (causing or expressing suffering, emotional distress)
    grūti pārdzīvojumidifficult experiences
    grūtas nopūtasheavy sighs
    ar grūtu, smagu sirdi ― with a heavy heart (= in a sad, depressed mood)
    tikai pēc laba brīža Līzbete attapās no grūtām, grūtām domām un izdvesa gari stieptā nopūtā ― only after a good (= long) moment Līzbete recovered from her difficult, hard thoughts and let out a long sigh
  6. difficult, hard, tough (involving strong physical pain, debilitation, or other negative physical conditions)
    grūta slimībadifficult, hard disease
    grūta operācijadifficult operation, surgery
    slimnieka stāvoklis bija grūts ― the patient's condition was difficult
    purva smaka padarīja elpu grūtu ― the swamp smell made breathing difficult
    taču dzemdības izrādījās ļoti grūtas, ar visādām komplikācijām ― but the birth turned out to be very difficult, with all kinds of complications
  7. (of feelings, memories) difficult (having gaps; incomplete)
    grūta atmiņadifficult memory (= difficult to remember)
    grūta galvadifficult head (= person prone to forgetting, not good at understanding)
  8. (colloquial) pregnant
    Ieva tapa grūta un dzemdēja ― Ieva became pregnant and gave birth
    būt uz grūtām kājām ― to be on heavy feet (= to be pregnant)




Derived terms

Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), grūts”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7