Definition 2025





coniectus m (genitive coniectūs); fourth declension

  1. a throwing together
  2. a crowding, connecting or uniting together
  3. a confluence, concourse; crowd, pile
  4. a projecting, hurling
  5. (figuratively, of the eyes or mind) turning, directing


Fourth declension.

Case Singular Plural
nominative coniectus coniectūs
genitive coniectūs coniectuum
dative coniectuī coniectibus
accusative coniectum coniectūs
ablative coniectū coniectibus
vocative coniectus coniectūs


coniectus m (feminine coniecta, neuter coniectum); first/second declension

  1. thrown, brought together, united, connected, having been brought together
  2. dispatched, assigned, having been dispatched
  3. urged, pressed, having been urged
  4. prophesied, foretold, having been foretold
  5. concluded, guessed, having been concluded
  6. disputed, discussed, having been discussed


First/second declension.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative coniectus coniecta coniectum coniectī coniectae coniecta
genitive coniectī coniectae coniectī coniectōrum coniectārum coniectōrum
dative coniectō coniectō coniectīs
accusative coniectum coniectam coniectum coniectōs coniectās coniecta
ablative coniectō coniectā coniectō coniectīs
vocative coniecte coniecta coniectum coniectī coniectae coniecta

Related terms


  • coniectus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “coniectus”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to be out of range: extra teli iactum, coniectum esse
    • to come within javelin-range: ad teli coniectum venire (Liv. 2. 31)