Definition 2025


coin purse



coin purse (plural coin purses)

  1. A small bag or pouch designed for carrying money, particularly coins.
    • 2007, Alissa Hall, Slave of God: A Devadasi's Tale, Raven's Perch Press (2007), ISBN 9781847288462, page 368:
      “I have gold,” Mananda repeated to the men as they drew closer, and he shook his coin purse, ringing the coins together.
    • 2011, Rebecca Foster, The Beaches: A Journey of Answers, iUniverse (2011), ISBN 9781462018307, page 28:
      As I grabbed my donuts and turned, all the change from my coin purse flew out and landed all over the store floor, under twenty sets of feet.
    • 2013, Elizabeth Bass, The Way Back to Happiness, Kensington Books (2013), ISBN 9780758281425, unnumbered page:
      “I can't find the change I got from the gas station.” She snapped open her coin purse in hopes that she'd stuck it there.
  2. (slang) Testicles.
    • 2007, Ryan Ball, "Web Favorite ‘Odd’ Todd Rosenberg", Animation Magazine, 23 March 2007:
      Before YouTube debuted with countless videos of dudes getting kicked in the coin purse, one of the hottest things on the Internet was Laid Off, a series of animated shorts about a guy in a blue bathrobe who reflects on his joblessness.
    • 2012, Peter Cavanaugh, "Reviewing the Kevin Love face stomp", Impose, 7 February 2012:
      That is partially what was so great about the brief interaction between Kevin Love and Louis Scola the other night. It was malicious, perhaps, and invites us to qualify dirty play and physical play, but it was a shade of Laimbeer – boys being boys. A week or so ago, Scola had chicken legged Love – a la every schoolyard basketball game – while attempting to save the ball from going out of bounds, only he tagged Love in his coin purse.
    • 2013, "A brief history of movie characters getting whacked in the balls", Westword (Denver, Colorado), 24 January 2013:
      The classy trend of kneeing a man in his coin purse once seemed fresh. Like Paul Newman kicking that baddie in the nuts in Butch Cassidy.
  3. (informal) a type of theatrical performance undergarment used to hide male genitalia, by stuffing it into a pouch with a drawstring, to simulate being nude


  • (small bag or pouch for carrying money): change purse.
  • (testicles): see Wikisaurus:testicles.
  • (undergarment): coin pouch

Coordinate terms

  • (undergarment): dancing belt , manties
