
the coccyx
coccyx (plural coccyges)
- (medicine, formal) The final (bottommost) fused vertebrae at the base of the spine, the tailbone.
Derived terms
(medical) final fused vertebrae
- Arabic: عُصُص m (ʿuṣuṣ)
- Egyptian Arabic: عصعص m (ʿúṣʿuṣ)
- Armenian: պոչուկ (hy) (počʿuk)
- Bulgarian: опашна кост (opašna kost)
- Catalan: còccix m
- Central Melanau: tuleang kelebik, kubin
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 尾骨 (zh) (wěigǔ), 尾骶骨 (zh) (wěidǐgǔ), 尾閭骨 (zh), 尾闾骨 (zh) (wěilǘgǔ)
- Crimean Tatar: quyruq kemigi
- Czech: kostrč (cs) f
- Danish: (please verify)haleben (da) n
- Dutch: (please verify)staartbeen (nl), (please verify)stuitbeen (nl), (please verify)stuit (nl) f
- Esperanto: kokcigo
- Faroese: (please verify)halabein n
- Finnish: coccyx (fi) (professional term); häntäluu (fi) (common language term)
- French: coccyx (fr) m
- German: Coccyx m (professional term); Steißbein (de) n (common language term)
- Hiligaynon: pigtot
- Hungarian: farkcsont (hu)
- Icelandic: (please verify)rófubein (is)
- Ilocano: kimmol
- Indonesian: tulang sulbi (id), tulang ekor (id), tulang tongkeng (id), koksiks
- Italian: coccige (it)
- Japanese: 尾骨 (ja) (びこつ, bikotsu), 尾骶骨 (びていこつ, biteikotsu), 尾閭骨 (びりょこつ, biryokotsu)
- Lithuanian: uodegikaulis
- Malay: tulang sulbi, tulang ekor, tulang cenonot, tulang kongkeng, tulang tongkeng, koksiks
- Maori: timu
- Navajo: atseeʼ
- Polish: kość guziczna f
- Portuguese: cóccix m
- Russian: ко́пчик (ru) m (kópčik)
- Sabah Bisaya: saligi'
- Scots: (please verify)rumple-bane
- Serbo-Croatian: trtica (sh) f, trtičnjača f
- Slovak: kostrč (sk) f
- Slovene: trtica (sl) f
- Spanish: cóccix (es) m
- Swedish: (please verify)korsben c
- Tagal Murut: kalut
- Tagalog: puil, tulatod
- Turkish: kuyruk sokumu (tr)
- Ukrainian:
- Vietnamese: xương cụt
- West Coast Bajau: sengkurung
coccyx m (plural coccyx)
- Obsolete spelling of cóccix (used in Portugal until September 1911 and died out in Brazil during the 1920s).