Definition 2025
Citrons (1)

Citrons (2)
Perhaps via other European languages, ultimately a borrowing from French citron, from Latin citrus (“citron tree”) (perhaps from a non-attested augmentative form).
- IPA(key): [tsitɾoːns]
citrons m (1st declension)
- lemon tree (small evergreen tree with yellow, aromatic, sour fruits, sp. Citrus limon)
- citrons aug savvaļā, visvairāk dienvidaustrumu Himalajos... tikai 3. gadsimtā pirms mūsu ēras citroni ieviesās Itālijā ― the lemon (tree) grows in the wild, especially in the southeastern Himalayas... only in the 3rd century B.C. were lemons introduced in Italy
- lemon (the sour fruit of this tree)
- citrona aromāts ― lemon flavor, aroma
- citrona sula ― lemon juice
- citrona miza ― lemon peel, skin
- citrona šķēlītes ― lemon slices
- izspiest citronu ― to squeeze a lemon
- tēja ar citronu ― tea with lemon
- Leons klusēdams vēroja, kā Inita sagriež citronu ripiņas ― Leons silently observed as Inita cut lemon slices
- kā izsūktu citronu jūs gribat mani izmest aiz durvīm, tāpēc, ka jums šķietas, vairāk es jums neesmu vajadzīga ― like a sucked lemon you want to throw me out the door, because it seems to you that I am no longer necessary
Declension of citrons (1st declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | citrons | citroni |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | citronu | citronus |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | citrona | citronu |
dative (datīvs) | citronam | citroniem |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | citronu | citroniem |
locative (lokatīvs) | citronā | citronos |
vocative (vokatīvs) | citron | citroni |
- (of "lemon tree"): citronkoks