Definition 2025
awesomenessness (uncountable)
- (emphatic, nonce word, rare, nonstandard) awesomeness
- 2006: “”, The Pepper Cascade (Google group): Swimming
- PS we still have the coupons, so we have to consider the awesomenessness to receive a discount coupon. please post with a reason why you should deserve a discount coupon.
- 2006: “CharlaX”, Gmail Help Discussion (Google group): CHat(caht)
- >.< this is called a dragonfly
when ewe type him in the chat box his wings wiggle awesomenessness
- >.< this is called a dragonfly
- 2007: “Shantell Hoskin”, Chocolate 4 Life (Google group): awesomenessness!!!! (thread title)
- awesomenessness!!!!
- 2006: “”, The Pepper Cascade (Google group): Swimming
Usage notes
- Awesomenessness carries no additional semantic information compared with its antecedent awesomeness. Forms having been triply and quadruply suffixed with -ness also see occasional use; in pragmatic terms, this is equivalent to appending a long chain of exclamation marks after a statement to lend it emphatic force.