Definition 2025


Latin rite



Latin rite (plural Latin rites)

  1. A liturgy of any Christian church, spoken in Latin.

Usage notes

'Latin rite' may refer to any rite spoken in Latin, such as the Mozarabic Rite, Ambrosian Rite or the Anglican Use. It is not synonymous with 'Roman rite', which refers specifically to to liturgy of the Roman Catholic church.

Proper noun

Latin rite

  1. The customs of the Catholic church, in general.
    • 1967, William W. Bassett, The Determination of Rite p. 144
      In the case of children whose parents belong to different rites, if the father belongs to the Latin rite and the mother the Greek, the children must be baptized and educated in the Latin rite, for children must follow the rite of the father if he is Latin.