Definition 2024



See also: Aristòtil

Old Spanish

Proper noun

Aristotil m

  1. Aristotle
    • c. 1250: Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 1r.
      A Riſtotil que fue mas complido delos otros filoſofos ¬ el que mas natural miente moſtro todas las coſas por razon uerdadera. […] Mas los que eſcriuieron delas piedras aſſi como ariſtotil que fizo un libro en que nombro ſietecientas dellas.
      Aristotle, who was more accomplished than the other philosophers, was the one who most naturally described things truly as they were. […] Others wrote about stones, like Aristotle, who wrote a book in which he named seven hundred of them.