Webster 1913 Edition



An act of charity.
Acts ix. 36.

Definition 2024





almsdeed (plural almsdeeds)

  1. The giving of alms; an act of charity, a good work.
    • 1903, A. W. Pollard (ed.), Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (1485) , volume II, Bk. XVII, chapter VIII:
      Truly, said the good man, an ye might live as long as the world might endure, ne might ye have done so great an alms-deed as this. Sir, said Galahad, I repent me much, inasmuch as they were christened. Nay, repent you not, said he, for they were not christened, [].
      1485, Sir Thomas Malory, chapter viii, in Le Morte Darthur, book XVII:
      Truly sayd the good man and ye myghte lyue as longe as the world myght endure / ne myghte ye haue done soo grete an almesse dede as this / Sire sayd Galahad I repente me moch in as moche as they were crystened / Nay repente yow not sayd he for they were not crystened /