Webster 1913 Edition



[Gr. [GREEK] other + [GREEK] god.]
The worship of strange gods.
Jer. Taylor.

Definition 2024





allotheism (uncountable)

  1. Worship of a god or gods that are foreign to one's own land.
    • 1854, Jeremy Taylor, The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, page 436:
      I consider that in the first commandment where atheism and polytheism and allotheism are forbidden directly and principally.
    • 1864, James Gracey Murphy Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis, page 464:
      But we should not forget that the world was yet too young to have arrived at the rigid and sharply-defined systems of polytheism or allotheism to which we are accustomed.
    • 1879, John Heyl Vincent, The lesson commentary on the International lessons for 1880, page 164:
      The inhabitants, also, of Ur had fallen into polytheism, or, if we may so speak, allotheism, the worship of other gods.
    • 1984, Akbar S. Ahmed, David M. Hart, Islam in Tribal Societies: From the Atlas to the Indus, page 8:
      There is no allotheism in Islam. Muslims do not anthropomorphise or, conversely, encourage belief in anthropolatry.

Derived terms

  • allotheistical
  • allotheistically

See also