1919 June 6,WM. C. Bradbury,“Some notes on the egg of Aepyornis maximus”, inThe Condor, volume 21, page 100:
Calculations in displacement show the Aepyornis egg to be equivalent to each of the following number of eggs of modern species […]
1994,Gerald Durrell,The Aye-Aye and I, page 6:
Although enormous, the Aepyornis was incapable of treating elephants in this cavalier fashion - even baby elephants - since, like the ostrich, it could not fly.
2014,Nicolae Sfetcu,The Birds World:
Whilst it is often believed that the extinction of the Aepyornis was an effect of human actions, a study in 2000, by a team of archaeologists from Sheffield University and Royal Holloway University in the UK, suggests otherwise.
"aepyornis." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002.