Definition 2025





חָשׁ (khásh) (pa'al construction)

  1. To sense, to feel: to have a sense, to experience a sensation.
    • 2011 July 4, רן לוי (Ran Levi), "השד של הופמן: על גילוי סם האל־אס־די" (hashéd shél hófman: ál gilúi sám ha'él.és.dí, “Hoffman's demon: on the discovery of the drug LSD”), in Ynet:
      כששכב במיטה חש כאילו הוא חולם, למרות שידע שהוא ער.
      k'sheshakháv bamitá khásh k'ílu hú kholém, lamrót sheyadá shehú ér.
      As he lay in bed he felt as though he were dreaming, despite knowing that he was awake.
  2. (slang) This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.

Related terms

  • חוש (khúsh)