Definition 2025
се • (se)
- (reflexive, clitic) the accusative short form of the reflexive pronoun себе си, part of reflexive verbs, denoting that the subject is simultaneously the direct object; corresponds to myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
- Обичам се. - I love myself.
- Обича се. - He/She/It loves himself/herself/itself.
- (reciprocal, clitic) accusative reciprocal pronoun, denoting that the agents perform the mutual actions among themselves; corresponds to each other, one another
- Мария и Петър се обичат. - Maria and Petar love each other.
- (reflexive, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of autocausative verbs, denoting that the referent represented by the subject combines the activity of actor and undergoes a change of state like a patient
- Петър се обиди. - Petаr became/was offended.
- (reflexive, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of anticausative verbs, denoting that the subject of the verb undergoes an action or change of state whose agent is unclear or nonexistent
- Вратата се отвори. - The door (was, got) opened.
- (reflexive, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and undetermined agent
- От моята къща се вижда морето. - From my house the sea is seen/one can see the see.
- Говори се, че... - It is said that...
- (reflexive, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and determined agent
- Писмото се пише от мен. - The letter is being written by me.
- Къщата се проектира от известен архитект. - The house was designed by a famous architect.
- (reflexive, clitic) inherent part of an unergative reflexive or reciprocal verb with no meaning of its own, and an obligatory part of the verb's lexical entry
- Гордея се с работата на Сиву в училище. - I am proud of Sivu's schoolwork.
- Тя се надява да спечели златния медал. - She is hoping to win the gold medal.
- (reciprocal pronoun): един друг (edin drug)
From Proto-Slavic *sę.
се • (se)
- Short reflexive direct object pronoun.
- (reflexive, clitic) the accusative short form of the reflexive pronoun себе си, part of reflexive verbs, denoting that the subject is simultaneously the direct object; corresponds to myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
- се сакам. - I love/like myself.
- се сака. - He/She/It [loves/likes] himself/herself/itself.
- (reciprocal, clitic) accusative reciprocal pronoun, denoting that the agents perform the mutual actions among themselves; corresponds to each other, one another
- Марија и Петар се сакаат. - Maria and Petar [love/like] each other.
- (reflexive, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of autocausative verbs, denoting that the referent represented by the subject combines the activity of actor and undergoes a change of state like a patient
- Петар се навреди. - Peter became/was offended.
- (reflexive, clitic) reflexive pronoun, part of anticausative verbs, denoting that the subject of the verb undergoes an action or change of state whose agent is unclear or nonexistent
- Вратата се отвори. - The door (was, got) opened.
- (reflexive, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and undetermined agent
- Од мојата куќа се гледа морето. - From my house the sea is seen/one can see the see.
- се вели, дека... - It is said that...
- (reflexive, clitic) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and determined agent
- Писмото се пишува од мене. - The letter is being written by me.
- Куќата се проектира од познат архитект. - The house was designed by a famous architect.
- (reflexive, clitic) inherent part of an unergative reflexive or reciprocal verb with no meaning of its own, and an obligatory part of the verb's lexical entry
- Јас се гордам со пишењето на Иво во училиштето. - I am proud of Sivu's schoolwork.
- Таа се надева да победи златен медал. - She is hoping to win the gold medal.
- IPA(key): /se/
Etymology 1
From Proto-Slavic *sę.
се (Latin spelling se)
- oneself (clitic form of reflexive pronoun)
Declension of се
Etymology 2
From Proto-Slavic *sь.
се (Latin spelling se)
- (obsolete) this is; here is
- 1404, anonymous, Kočerin tablet:
- се лежи вигань милошевиꙉь
- Here lies Viganj Milošević.
- се лежи вигань милошевиꙉь
- 1404, anonymous, Kočerin tablet: